Stress Symptoms, Stress Treatment and how to relieve stress

Stress Symptoms

Psychological stress can cause a lot of physical responses like anxiety, insomnia, back pain, relationship problems, constipation, shortness of breath, depression, a stiff neck, fatigue, upset stomach, and weight gain or loss.

However, Chiropractic stress relief treatments can help you prevent any further complications and rid you of the pain caused by your stress. The Chiropractic treatment should be complemented by practicing relaxed breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, listening to soothing sounds and exercise.

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Are You Experiencing Any Of These Conditions?

Chiropractic care is not just for those patients who have been involved in an accident or suffer from chronic neck or back pain. Chiropractic care can benefit many people with a great number of health conditions...

Contact Us

Our clinic, Compass Health Centre is situated in the heart of Durban North, 75 Adelaide Tambo Drive

Email at or contact us directly on 031 563 1314

Chiropractic Treatment, Sciatica Treatment, Tennis Elbow Treatment, Lower Back Pain Treatment

How do we help the human body

Any person can benefit from chiropractic adjustments; whether suffering from lower back pain in the office or tennis elbow from the sports field. Here are a few health conditions we deal with on a daily basis...

...And Lots More

Our chiropractic treatment of all health conditions is like building a house, without the right foundations, the house can’t be built properly. We always offer a full examination and report of findings at your first visit. With the proper foundations in place we are able to build a health care plan tailored to your individual needs! It’s as simple as that!

To find out more about these conditions and lots of other info: